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Font name:造字工房臻宋体


造字工房臻宋体形体方正,笔画简爽,丰腴跌宕,结体刚劲峻拔,方润整齐,整体风格宽绰开张、婉雅秀逸。此款字体用途十分广泛,主做标题与副标题之用。本字体为简体字库,采用OpenType/CID 格式,Adobe-GB1-5编码。基于中华人民共和国GB2312-80字符集标准,另按需添加了 101 个汉字。共收容字数 6864 CJK 汉字,ASCII常用字符100个。

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  • Font copyright:Commercial use requires purchase authorization

Tips:造字工房臻宋体 Font copyright belongs to the font developer. Commercial businesses must contact the copyright owner to authorize themselves, otherwise legal responsibility is borne by themselves.

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